fabriano in acquarello 2024, Fabriano italy & Fort Worth, texas usa



FabrianoInAcquarello has become the world's leading watercolour art event, held in Fabriano and Bologna in Italy. More than 80 countries participate at this fascinating event on site and online, and the number of juried & exhibited watercolour paintings exceeds well over 1000. The artworks will later this year be exhibited also in Fort Worth, Texas. The program for this year's FabrianoInAcquarello was breathtaking again! Here a link where you can see for yourself, also the link to the exhibition catalogue.



At the moment, I am the country Admin for Finland at this event, after being country leader for several years.  Happy to see how these artistic challenges inspire more and more painters.

This poster shows the list of selected watercolour artists from Finland. My contribution "Remembering Granny" is a 38x56 cm watercolour painting on Arches CP paper / 300 gsm. I always found the appearance of those old phones so amusing, so I just had to paint it - with that old photo of the Granny . In fact, my granny did not look like that but everything is possible in the world of fantasy...




Tässä julisteessa näet listan Suomesta näyttelyyn valituista taiteilijoista. Oma panokseni on tuo teos "Muistelen mummoa", akvarelli 38x56 cm, Arches CP paperille / 300 g/m2. Minua ovat nuo vanhat puhelimet aina huvittaneet, joten oli ihan pakko maalata, ja lisätä myös mummon vanha valokuva. Mummoni tosin näytti erilaiselta, mutta mielikuvituksellahan ei ole rajoja...


Das Poster zeigt die Liste von Künstlern, deren Arbeiten für die Ausstellung gewählt wurden. Mein Beitrag ist das Aquarell "Erinnerungen an die Oma", 38x56 cm, auf Arches CP 300 g/m2. Ich fand die alten Telefonapparate immer so lustig, und musste das mal malerisch interpretieren - auch das alte Foto von der Oma gehörte dazu. Meine Oma sah zwar anders aus, aber der Phantasie sind ja keine Grenzen gesetzt...